Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My journey begins

Hey world. It's Jo. I'm 32 years old, 5' 7", and 251 pounds. I've been heavy all my life, though 251 is a new high. I've decided to take a drastic step for myself, for my weight, for my life, for my future children, and for whatever else this life has in store. On May 21 2012, in Mexico, I will have vertical sleeve surgery, also known as Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy or VSG.

I love to research and learn, and am looking forward to both when it comes to VSG. My hope is to share what I learn with those of you who are following similar journeys, have traveled the path and have info to share, or who are considering VSG as an option.

I have started a vlog on YouTube (my channel is gastricsleeve4me). You can subscribe to my channel if you're interested in being notified when I post new videos. This blog will serve as a companion to my posts there; primarily to share resources and information - and the occasional random musing if I'm so inclined :)

Hope you find it valuable. I welcome your feedback and comments. Wish me luck on this journey that will last me the rest of my life! Best, gastricsleeve4me

1 comment:

  1. Could you please tell me what hospital you found your doctor at and how you dealt with the water/hygiene issue in Mexico
