Friday, June 29, 2012

Face Time

I've hit that stage where people are starting to notice my weight loss. Not in droves, but enough for me to know something must be showing. Over the camping weekend a couple of my guy friends asked if I'd lost weight (without knowing about the surgery), which was cool since guys never notice ANYthing. I could have had a bald head and they'd look at me like "is something different?".

Anyway, I then went back to work on Wednesday from my camping trip, feeling pretty happy about the morning's weigh-in where I hit 219. Now, I don't know if it was the weight loss or the all the fresh air I'd consumed over the long weekend, but I received several comments Wednesday and Thursday at work about looking "refreshed". A colleague who knows about the surgery commented that my face looked thinner, and I'd been thinking the same thing (as had some of you watching my YouTube videos apparently). So I thought I'd post some photos and let you be the judge! Later, gastricsleeve4me

MAY 19: At a San Diego Padres game 2 days before surgery
MAY 24: At the airport waiting to fly home three days post-surgery (and  5-days after photo above)

JUNE 27: Wednesday after work, 5.5 weeks post-surgery and 30 lbs down (to be fair, the angle isn't hurting me here :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Yes you can really tell. REALLY tell. And it is not just the angle of the camera. Good for you and keep up the good work.

